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City of Westminster

The London Borough of Westminster is a council in a densely populated area with heavy traffic and highway responsibilities. Geeks developed an information management system for highway maintenance.

Geeks Ltd

About City of Westminster

Sector: Government
Size: 1,000-5,000

The London Borough of Westminster is a major city council in a densely populated urban area with heavy traffic and highway responsibilities. As a flagship local authority, the council prides itself on forward-thinking and financial responsibility.

City of Westminster
Excellent pro‐active performance was achieved considering the many changes the council has made to the build at very short notice. Have achieved all milestones given in a timely manner.
Read the story

Dawn Donaldson

Contracts and Performance Manager

Geeks Ltd

The challenge

Westminster City Council Transport Commission required an application to replace their existing system for managing the construction and maintenance of Westminster Council's highways and roads. The application primarily enabled the generation of purchase orders and invoices to help improve the management of the efficiency and effectiveness of their employees and contractors.

The solution

Geeks provided Westminster City Council with a web-based project information management system. The application gives WCC and its users the tools to manage all the information associated with works being planned and implemented.

The information is then used to create purchase orders and invoices to enable payment of contractors. The application also sends financial files to third-party middleware, Procserve, which then passes the information along to another system called Aggresso.

Many reporting and management tools are part of the application and it incorporates legacy content used by the previous system. The PIMS system is very successful and has been widely praised by the client. It replaced an older application with newer technology which is more robust, has many more features, but is also more intuitive.

The solution

The impact

The new solution makes the users' work easier through an improved interface and automated systems which take care of routine tasks. In creating this technology Geeks and WCC established a very productive and close working relationship which empowered the creation of a highly capable and unique application which it is expected will serve the needs of WCC for the foreseeable future.

Used services

Bespoke Software Development

Develop custom solutions that grow with your business and adapt to changing requirements

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Wireframing/UX Design

Transform your digital presence with Interactive Wireframing and expert UX Design

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Bespoke Customer Portal

Beyond online presence, crafting bespoke portals that perform

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Geeks Ltd

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  • You're not afraid to explore new ideas with a proven partner
  • You treat technology as an investment
  • You're eager to disrupt your industry with technology
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